2023: A Dash of Wisdom!

4 min readJan 11, 2024

As the year 2023 has gone by, it’s only natural for the writer in me to reflect on the lessons and experiences that have shaped the past twelve months of my life and “how”. I have personally and professionally grown a lot this year, and here are tiny bits of what my precious learnings were.

  • Unveiling the delight in new experiences and first-timers: Being from a family which only seeks adventures, for me great joy lies in the pursuit of new experiences. And 2023 was the year where I realized how empowering these new experiences can also be. From swimming in the Arctic Sea to witnessing the Northern Lights, trying reindeer meat to savoring edibles in the Netherlands, each adventure proved to be cathartic. On the other hand, learning to ski exposed my stamina’s shortcomings (obviously I tried to lose weight and that remains to be my life long goal). One of the major highlights of my life was being able to contribute slightly in the house my parents bought. This instilled a great sense of pride and belonging in me. In other newer things, I also crafted a reel with my best friend which brought me so much joy, but also revealed the effort it demands (probably will never do it again). And lastly, the most important thing, I shifted to a new city which marked the beginning of independent living I ever so craved post-pandemic.
  • Embracing the Power of Clear Communications: Life as it turns out to be, can be extremely simple if you learn the indispensable art of expressing your thoughts clearly. All my life, the habit of beating around the bush has killed me a little bit. Thanks to a little therapy and self-delving, I could learn speaking clearly. Be it setting a boundary, saying “no” for something that made me uncomfortable, or articulating my needs, I say this with a 100% guarantee that being able to do this is very liberating. It gave me a profound sense of authenticity in my interactions. This ability not only helps me safeguard personal well-being but also paves the way for a more purposeful and intentional life.
  • The value of living in the moment: I have lost a few loved ones this year. I have also been extremely busy with work and travel. But during this process, what I realized was that in a world perpetually racing towards the future, the profound value of living in the present moment cannot be overstated. I still do not know if I have aced it. However, I have started acknowledging the spurs of fast-forward feelings I get that make me anxious, and consciously snapping back to today.
  • Rekindling the Pleasure of Meeting with Friends: This year was filled with meeting different group of friends at different times. The sheer joy that arose from reuniting with old friends after an extended period is a sentiment beyond compare. Not only the nostalgia hit me, it also served as a reminder of the carefree person I was, and how much I have grown. These meetings were a reminder of how I love myself in their company, and mind you, these reminders are imperative to not lose yourself.
  • Forging Lifelong Bonds with New Acquaintances: As an extrovert on a quest to propel my life’s narrative forward, I unexpectedly formed meaningful connections in 2023. Whether it was while skiing, wandering the vibrant streets of Eindhoven, bonding with coworkers over shared humor, attending weddings, or embarking on trips to Ahmedabad and Goa, each encounter added a unique chapter to my story. The joy derived from sharing drinks with like-minded individuals not only grounded me, but also provided a sense of belonging during the loneliest moments. These bonds with new acquaintances hold the promise of shared experiences, mutual growth, and the potential to enrich my life in ways I never anticipated.

In summary, I am extremely grateful to have witnessed such wonderful experiences and moments with my dear ones. I would do it all over in the blink of an eye. Looking forward to living a very fulfilling 2024 ❤

A special thanks to Tanvi, my dearest friend, who encouraged me to pick up my pen and write again, when I expressed my sorrow about not creating enough impact on people. This one is for you.




Toiling and travailing for Hershey’s and Hermès.